Nori pa2 八叉树加速

Xial 发布于 2023-01-20 36 次阅读




需要用到的 API

  • Mesh->getBoundingBox()
    获得整个 Mesh 所在的 BoundingBox。
  • Mesh->getBoundingBox(uint32_t idx)
    获得下标为 idx 的三角面所在的 BoundingBox
  • BoundingBox3f(const Vector3f &min, const Vector3f &max)
    获得以 minmax 两个三维空间中的点为体对角线的 BoundingBox
  • BoundingBox.getCenter()
    获得该 BoundingBox 的中心所在坐标。
  • BoundingBox.getCorner(int idx)
    获得该 BoundingBox 的第 idx 个角的坐标。
  • BoundingBox.overlaps(BoundingBox)
    返回两个 BoundingBox 是否有交叠。
  • BoundingBox.rayIntersect(ray)
    返回 ray 光线是否穿过该 BoundingBox
  • BoundingBox.distanceTo(Point)
    返回该 BoundingBox 到给定 Point 的最近距离。


Part 1: Octree construction




class OctNode {
    virtual ~OctNode(){};

    OctNode* son[8];
    BoundingBox3f bbox;

class OctLeaf : public OctNode {
    OctLeaf(std::vector<uint32_t>, BoundingBox3f);
    virtual ~OctLeaf(){};

    std::vector<uint32_t> indice;

所有的儿子节点存放在 son[8] 指针数组中。

每个节点的 BoundingBox 存放在 bbox 中。

叶节点包含的三角面下标存放在 vector<uint32_t> indice 中。


根据官方提示,对原来的 build 做如下修改和重载:

void Accel::build() {
    std::vector<uint32_t> triangles;
    for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < m_mesh->getTriangleCount(); ++idx) {
    m_tree = build(m_mesh->getBoundingBox(), triangles, 0);

OctNode* Accel::build(BoundingBox3f box, std::vector<uint32_t> triangles, uint32_t depth) {
    if (triangles.empty())
        return nullptr;
    if (triangles.size() <= MAX_TRIANGLE || depth >= MAX_DEPTH)
        return new OctLeaf(triangles, box);

    std::vector<uint32_t> list[8];
    BoundingBox3f bbox[8];

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        Vector3f min_point, max_point;
        Vector3f center = box.getCenter();
        Vector3f corner = box.getCorner(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            min_point[j] = std::min(center[j], corner[j]);
            max_point[j] = std::max(center[j], corner[j]);
        bbox[i] = BoundingBox3f(min_point, max_point);

    for (auto triangle : triangles) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            if (m_mesh->getBoundingBox(triangle).overlaps(bbox[i])) {

    OctNode* node = new OctNode(box);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        node->son[i] = build(bbox[i], list[i], depth + 1);
    return node;

Part 2: Ray traversal


针对 rayIntersect 函数进行修改和重载。

bool Accel::rayIntersect(OctNode* node, uint32_t& f, Ray3f& ray, Intersection& its, bool shadowRay) const {
    bool foundIntersection = false;

    if (OctLeaf* leaf = dynamic_cast<OctLeaf*>(node)) {
        for (const auto& idx : leaf->indice) {
            float u, v, t;
            if (m_mesh->rayIntersect(idx, ray, u, v, t) && t < ray.maxt) {
                if (shadowRay)
                    return true;
                ray.maxt = its.t = t;
                its.uv = Point2f(u, v);
                its.mesh = m_mesh;
                f = idx;
                foundIntersection = true;
    } else {
        for (const auto& son : node->son) {
            if (!son)
            if (!son->bbox.rayIntersect(ray))
            foundIntersection |= rayIntersect(son, f, ray, its, shadowRay);
    return foundIntersection;

bool Accel::rayIntersect(const Ray3f& ray_, Intersection& its, bool shadowRay) const {
    bool foundIntersection = false;  // Was an intersection found so far?
    uint32_t f = (uint32_t)-1;       // Triangle index of the closest intersection

    Ray3f ray(ray_);  /// Make a copy of the ray (we will need to update its '.maxt' value)

    // /* Brute force search through all triangles */
    // for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < m_mesh->getTriangleCount(); ++idx) {
    //     float u, v, t;
    //     if (m_mesh->rayIntersect(idx, ray, u, v, t) && t < ray.maxt) {
    //         /* An intersection was found! Can terminate
    //            immediately if this is a shadow ray query */
    //         if (shadowRay)
    //             return true;
    //         ray.maxt = its.t = t;
    //         its.uv = Point2f(u, v);
    //         its.mesh = m_mesh;
    //         f = idx;
    //         foundIntersection = true;
    //     }
    // }

    foundIntersection = rayIntersect(m_tree, f, ray, its, shadowRay);

    // PA3 update:
    if (shadowRay)
        return foundIntersection;

    if (foundIntersection) {
        // ...

做 PA3 时回来 update:

rayIntersect 中没有考虑 shadowRay 情况。导致 PA3 中 点光源情况爆炸。


经过此次优化,PA1 中的 bunny.xml 渲染时间从 1.5 s 加速到 62 ms,PA2 中的 ajax_normal.xml 渲染用时 2.8 s。

Part 3: Improved ray traversal

使用 std::sort 进行进一步优化。


rayIntersect 函数进行如下修改:

bool Accel::rayIntersect(OctNode* node, uint32_t& f, Ray3f& ray, Intersection& its, bool shadowRay) const {
    bool foundIntersection = false;

    if (OctLeaf* leaf = dynamic_cast<OctLeaf*>(node)) {
        // ...
    } else {
        std::pair<OctNode*, float> sons[8];
        int tot_son = 0;
        for (const auto& son : node->son) {
            if (!son)
            if (!son->bbox.rayIntersect(ray))
            sons[tot_son++] = std::make_pair(son, son->bbox.distanceTo(ray.o));
        std::sort(sons, sons + tot_son, [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.second < b.second; });
        for (int i = 0; i < tot_son; i++) {
            foundIntersection |= rayIntersect(sons[i].first, f, ray, its, shadowRay);
            // PA4 update:
            // if (foundIntersection)
            //     break;
    return foundIntersection;

做 PA4 时回来 update:


经过此轮优化,ajax_normal.xml 的时间从 2.8 s 优化到了 1.7 s

最后更新于 2023-01-30